Monday, February 1, 2010

You know your adicted to Twitter when....

1. You call every-day photos "twitpics".
2. You tell someone you will @reply them later, when you really meant you would text them.
3. You ask your friends if anyone updated when you aren't able to check for yourself.
4. You get overly exited when you find out you have a new follower.
5. You have nothing else to do when Twitter is dowm..
6. You check Twitter as soon as you get online.
7. Your Twitter application is a shortcut on your mobile phone.
8. You spend hours on Twitter, even when nobody is tweeting, in the hopes that someone will soon.
9. You check your @replies more than twice a day.
10. You refresh the page every few seconds, checking for new tweets.
11. You tell people on social networking sites to follow you on Twitter.
12. You refer to people by their Twitter name.
13. You tweet while exercising.
14. You continuously tweet celebrities hoping they will reply.
15. You change your twitter backgroung frequently.
16. You tweet in bed.