Sunday, August 2, 2009

First post!

This is the first post of my new blog. Exiting much? Well I think so... Read on!

Hands up if you remember The postman Pat cartoon from back in the day.

I know I do, and rumour has it he's moved up in the cartoon world. The Postman Pat we all know and love has now been promoted to the Head of the Special Delivery Service. That's right, good old Postman Pat is now a delivery guy. I can just imagine you reading this, nodding your head in approval and thinking, Good for him, he deserves it more than any other postie I know. Honestly, how many posties do you actually know? But then again, if you're like me then you will be sitting there with your mouth hanging open in disbelief, then you will yell " What a disgrace! How dare they! They think they can do this? He was the best darn postman that ever lived. Those bastards....". Well maybe not, but I was close right?

What is the world coming to?

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